Sunday, October 21, 2007

Opinions please!

I made this cover for the diaper wipes that I carry with me because I would rather see a cool fabric than a plastic wrap. Here are the before and after pics. Please tell me what you think. BE HONEST! If you think it is goofy, do tell.

Diaper wipes before.

Diaper wipes with cover.

How it works.

Bottom view.


Jessica said...

Super cute! I want one! :)

Paige and Family said...

It looks great!! Awesome job!

the buff and stuff said...

i love the cover so cute! maybe i'll have to change over from the hard cover carrier to the soft. what a cool idea

Life in the Oliver Lane! said...

Thanks for your comments. Everyone I show it to says "Why aren't you selling these?". I realy just haven't had the time to get them out there yet. I only made the first one two weeks ago. I would love to show them to a boutique! That could get fun ;-)