Our sweet Addison was born June 29,2007. She weighed in at 8lbs 5oz and was 21 inches long. It has been so sweet to have a baby in our home again! I am trying my best to get a photo of her each month for the first year. I want to share the first three months now!
This picture was taken 2 days before Addison was born. Andie was at the perfect hieght to kiss my belly button and did so often!
This was taken the day Addison was born when the girls fist saw her at the hospital. They are so proud to have a baby sister and have been very helpful with her.Addison's 1st month! She is a very content baby. My mom left after helping us for 2 weeks and Ben's parents came to visit soon after. Ben, my dad Mike Boyle, Ben's dad Alan Oliver, my bro in law Chris d'Aquin, and our Bishop Chris Young all stood into bless Addison at home the first Sunday of August 2007.
Addiosn at 2 months! She is our first chunky baby and we are loving it. She weighed 13lbs at her 2 month check up. she is in the 95th % in wieght and 90th% in height. She measured 24 3/4 inches long at this check up.
Addison at 3 months! She is just starting to hold her head up well and is starting to grip with her hands. I am sure she is well into the 14lb range now! We are calling her Buddah because of all the rolls she is sporting. We can get her to laugh a bit now too, it is very cute!
Addiosn at 2 months! She is our first chunky baby and we are loving it. She weighed 13lbs at her 2 month check up. she is in the 95th % in wieght and 90th% in height. She measured 24 3/4 inches long at this check up.
Addison at 3 months! She is just starting to hold her head up well and is starting to grip with her hands. I am sure she is well into the 14lb range now! We are calling her Buddah because of all the rolls she is sporting. We can get her to laugh a bit now too, it is very cute!
what a cute baby, i want to squeez her!
Wow, a blog! I saw your post on Mer's blog and glad to see you've started one!
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