Thursday, July 2, 2009

All is not lost!

I promise I am not missing in action. Life is so busy, how do any of us find the time to sit down and blog. I love the idea and being able to check in on friends, I just wish there was more time in the day to do it. 2littlemammas has been very busy and exciting lately. Our new site is up, visit through the link on the right. We are being featured in Pregnancy and Newborn magazine's July issue. I have been sewing side jobs like crazy, more pics on that to come! We just celebrated Andie's 8th birthday and Addison's 2nd two days later. Not to mention that I am now 33 weeks pregnant and we have started the countdown to baby Lauren's arrival. Seven weeks to go! Aug 21st, estimated date of arrival. I am tired just thinking about it all. I know that I am not alone, you are all so busy. I enjoy checking in on you through your blogs and I will try to do better myself too.


SHANNA said...

i miss you so much! i'm glad everything is going so well. when is andie's baptism? i would love to come with the kids. call me and we have lunch. love ya.

Jessica said...

I was wondering if that baby was here or not yet! I will check out your new website, how exciting!

We have a new book club we are starting (off of my blog) but sounds like you are one BUSY momma! Can't wait to see the sweet new one!

the buff and stuff said...

oh my goodness addi looks so big i can't believe it! how sad do i feel right now that i can't be there to kiss those cheeks whenever i want. please lay one on her for me!